Exam Questions in Diseases & Vaccines

Last Updated:-Wednesday, March 29, 2023
One of the important sections, PSC never misses in its examinations is diseases and affected organs along with the names of the scientists who discovered the vaccines for the specific diseases. Another highly expected area is common drugs used in medical treatment and their chemical names. In some question papers, we need to identify a medicine which comes under Anaesthetic, Analgesic, Antibiotics, Antihistamine or Narcotics.

This article focuses on most repeated questions in diseases and vaccines. I have prepared two charts where the first chart explains the names of diseases and affected areas.

 The second chart shows the important vaccines and the names of the scientists behind them.

Disease Affected Area
Tuberculosis Lungs
Arthritis Joints
Pneumonia Lungs

The below chart has links to most repeated questions in PSC examinations.

The chart below shows additional diseases and the affected organs.

DiseasesAffected Organs
Polio Central Nervous System
OsteomyelitisVertebral column
Typhoid Intestines
Malaria Liver, Spleen, RBC
Diphtheria Throat
MeningitisBrain and Spinal cord
Bright's Disease Kidney
Goiter Thyroid
Eczema Skin
Trachoma Eyes

Now let us check the second chart I prepared.

This chart shows the important vaccines and the names of the scientists who discovered them.

VaccineScientists Behind
Polio Vaccine (injection) Jonas E. Salk
Polio Vaccine (oral)Albert Bruce Sabin
Diphtheria & Tetanus Emil Adolf Von Belming & Shibasaburo Kitasato
Small Pox Edward Jenner
TB Vaccine Leon Calmette & Camille Guerin
Cholera Vaccine Louis Pasteur
Measles John F. Enders
Rabies Vaccine Louis Pasteur &
Emile Roux

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